Why is implantation bleeding? What is the reason for this?


Implantation bleeding occurs, usually when a fertilized egg attaches to the lining of a woman's uterus to begin the process of pregnancy.

It is a normal phenomenon in pregnant women, yet many women are completely unaware of what it is. That is, they have no idea about this.

In some women it is seen that, bleeding from menstruation can be confused with bleeding, because the two can be similar.

Why is implantation bleeding? What is the reason for this?

This bleeding is very light and usually benign and does not require any treatment. However, in some cases, implantation bleeding may require a visit to a healthcare practitioner.


What do you mean by implantation bleeding?

A woman's implantation bleeding occurs just before the expected menstrual cycle. This is a very early sign of pregnancy, a woman can be sure that she is pregnant if it occurs a few days before the pregnancy test.

The implantation process begins with fertilization. Once a sperm fertilizes an egg, it is called an embryo. The embryo enters the uterus through the fallopian tube. During this time, the embryo multiplies, becoming a blastocyst, which combines many cells together.

Once the blastocyst reaches the uterus, it looks for a good place to attach itself to the uterine wall. This attachment to the uterus is called implantation. And once implantation is complete, the embryo stays in the same place throughout the 9-month journey to the newborn (that is, until the baby is born).

This implantation usually occurs about 1 to 2 weeks after the egg is fertilized. It occurs about a week after ovulation and a few days before a woman's regular period.


Signs and symptoms of implantation

One of the most easily identifiable symptoms of early pregnancy is implantation bleeding. There are some signs you should look for to know if a woman has implantation bleeding.

Because there are some distinct signs and symptoms to help identify it:

What are the symptoms of implantation bleeding in women?

Symptoms that occur during implantation bleeding in women are as follows:

  • Ø  Early Bleeding: Implantation bleeding usually occurs a few days before the expected menstrual cycle. And, this is not always the case and many women confuse the two.
  • Ø  Abnormal colored discharge: Implantation bleeding usually produces an abnormal discharge, which varies from pink to very dark brown or black.
  • Ø  Very light bleeding: Bleeding and discharge due to implantation usually does not last more than 48 hours. Many women experience spotting or spotting for just a few hours or a streak of discharge.
  • Ø  Cramping: You may also experience mild and temporary cramping as a result of implantation.

Other signs of implantation

As we know, implantation is the first symptom of pregnancy, therefore, a woman may also experience other symptoms related to pregnancy.

Early pregnancy symptoms can vary from woman to woman. For example, it may include:

  • Ø  Implantation bleeding can occur before the menstrual cycle.
  • Ø  Mood swings in women
  • Ø  body fatigue
  • Ø  dizziness
  • Ø  headache
  • Ø  Tender, swollen breasts
  • Ø  Nausea and vomiting
  • Ø  Constipation
  • Ø  The sense of smell is enhanced
  • Ø  Food cravings and aversions
  • Ø  Increased body temperature


Does it need treatment?

Implantation bleeding is considered a normal symptom of pregnancy, so it is usually not dangerous. This does not require treatment or you should not seek treatment.

Bleeding that occurs in a woman's uterus as a result of implantation usually clears up within a few days, so no treatment is needed. But unusually heavy bleeding can be a sign of menstrual or pregnancy complications. If this is the case, doctors advise women not to use tampons during this time.


What is implantation bleeding vs menstrual cycle?

Many times, women confuse implantation bleeding with a light menstrual cycle.

So there are steps women can take to help identify whether or not implantation bleeding is occurring:

What is implantation bleeding vs menstrual cycle?

Do a blood test

First, looking at the blood itself can give you some answers. Implantation bleeding will usually look different from menstrual bleeding. It may be darker than period blood because of the extra time the blood has to pass through the vagina.

Bleeding is usually very light and implantation bleeding usually does not last more than 1 day. Some women may experience spotting for a few hours and no more. Some women may experience a single spot of blood and discharge without any other symptoms. Remember, this will often produce a discharge with a pink or brown tint.

The type of blood seen during menstruation: Menstruation usually produces a lot of red blood that lasts for a few days or more, with heavy to light discharge during that time.

Most women can see what their normal bleeding looks like and will probably notice that implantation bleeding looks different.

Check the time

If you think you may be experiencing implantation bleeding, think about the time since you last had sex. And know that implantation occurs 6 to 12 days after fertilization and about a week after ovulation.

This usually occurs around or just before the period of menstruation. If it's been more than a month since you had intercourse, understand that implantation bleeding is less likely.

The easiest way to find out is to wait a few days and then take a home pregnancy test. Keep in mind that these tests work best a few days after implantation bleeding has stopped.

Other symptoms can be checked

Also associated pregnancy symptoms can help you distinguish between implantation bleeding and menstruation in women.

One of its easily identifiable symptoms is morning sickness. Nausea first thing in the morning can be a sign of pregnancy for you and it is not usually a sign of regular menstruation. However, this nausea can also be caused by certain everyday smells such as meat, garlic or pets.

Another symptom caused by implantation is cramping, which is caused by the egg sticking to the wall of your uterus. These cramps are often milder than those many women experience during regular periods.

Breast tenderness can also be an early sign of pregnancy, especially in women who do not experience breast pain during menstruation. Other symptoms may be difficult for you to measure, such as mood swings and food cravings. These can be symptoms of both pregnancy and premenstrual syndrome (PMS).


Implantation bleeding is usually nothing to worry about. This is a sign of the uterus preparing to start growing a fetus. Which happens normally.

If you are still unsure, you can take a pregnancy test to find out if you have implantation bleeding or a period or if you are pregnant. But you should wait a few days for the bleeding to stop before getting tested.

Women experiencing heavy bleeding at any stage of pregnancy is a sign of complications. So if this is the case you should seek medical advice.

When should a doctor be consulted?

Light bleeding is normal at different stages of your pregnancy. This can be caused by a variety of things, such as irritation from a routine exam, penis, or vaginal infection. This light bleeding usually doesn't last long, but if you experience any bleeding, it should be reported to a doctor, just to be safe.

And if you experience heavy bleeding, you will need medical attention. A heavy or persistent bleeding that is accompanied by menstrual cramps or blood clots can be a sign of serious complications, such as:

  • Ø  A molar pregnancy, in which a noncancerous tumor develops in the uterus
  • Ø  An ectopic pregnancy, in which the egg implants somewhere other than the uterus, is a medical emergency.
  • Ø  A miscarriage, which is the early loss of a pregnancy


Implantation bleeding is an important part of a woman's life. Usually when women become pregnant, this implantation bleeding can occur. And this is a normal process.

Many feel difficulty due to not having a proper understanding of this matter. Implantation bleeding usually does not require any treatment. But if there is abnormal bleeding, then treatment must be sought.

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